We built the Empatheyes vision system to help professionals, care givers, medical staff and families that support people with visual impairment gain the skills they need to be both competent and confident around those they support. Our technology helps them:
The system was originally developed with Angel Eyes NI, a charity that supports children with a vision impairment within Northern Ireland who were looking for a way to show the parents, teachers, support workers etc. of the children they support what it was like to have a visual impairment.
Empatheyes Ltd has now advanced significantly from the original concept. Now a separate social impact company, the team have combined specialised hardware, software, and instructional material to deliver powerful visual impairment awareness training. One of the first systems of its kind, and the only VR based VI training tool, it allows for a unified instructor-led training session to take place in a VR environment with a large number of participants.
The blend of hardware, software and training material allows participants to develop their understanding of over 30 different conditions.